All posts by KathyW

Web author, programmer and developer; photographer; designer; artist and bird breeder. Interested in all of the above plus underground homes, alternative energy systems, native plants and animals, alpacas, carnivorous plants, dyers plants and organic gardening.

Red Faced Parrot Finches

These extraordinary hyper-active little birds are a delight to behold and thrilling to hear. Red Faced Parrot Finches are about the same size as the Gouldian Finch, and can be kept quite safely with Gouldians.

Due to the obsessive male behaviour of relentlessly chasing the hens, a heavily planted aviary is recommended, or limiting the number of pairs per aviary.

Red Faced Parrot Finches have quite a musical call, and are much more vocal than Gouldians.

They also relish live food, and spend a lot of time scratching about the aviary floor.

Varied Lorikeets

Noisy, cheeky, curious, colourful, occasionally destructive, self opinionated … all words that describe Varied Lorikeets. These gorgeous birds can only be kept with a licence, and require a diet completely different to the seed-eaters. While they certainly can fly quite well, they prefer to walk, climb or crawl through branches whenever possible. They are perfectly happy to hang up-side down from the aviary roof or walls, earning them the unofficial moniker here at Torran of “bat birds”.

Their diet consists of fresh fruit, offered daily, plus lorrie-wet and lorrie-dry. They seem to enjoy picking through the soft food mix offered to the finches in the aviary where they are kept.

Varied Lorikeets are quite good aviary companions in that they can be kept with many other bird species from the smaller and non-aggressive parrots (eg budgies) to finches without any great conflict. They will however merrily tear apart finch nests, either for the fun of it or to stage a take-over bid.

If they are nesting, they will defend their nest-box noisily and with great enthusiasm. Inspecting the nest is best done with care or a good pair of thick gloves as Lorikeets can nip quite hard when and if they want to.

They love Australian native planted aviaries and will enthusiastically feast on the nectar from the flowering shrubs in season.